Who am I…Who Who

We call him Blackie.

Is this your cat? Or do you know where he lives? I love cats, and this guy is a real sweetie, and he causes very little trouble with my cats so I don’t mind that he hangs out in my yard, and even has lunch here. I think he likes the company, as he is a very friendly, social kinda guy, but I’ve got one tiny, little, itsy bitsy problem with him. Maybe you got the note I tied to his flea collar? He is a boy. He does not appear to be neutered. So he does what boy cats do, and it really stinks. So if he belongs to you, or someone you know, could you please get him fixed, or tell his owner to do so. Male cat spray smells atrocious, especially in the heat of spring and summer, and if he keeps spraying around the neighborhood, someone is not going to be as kind as I am. That is not a threat, just a reality check, because I know my neighbors. Most of them are quite nice, but I know some will not tolerate a cat spraying around their homes. And the bonus if you get him fixed, he won’t knock up any other female cats, thereby saving more unwanted kittens being born. And he might stay closer to home. Oh, yeah, and he wanted me to mention that he prefers Whiskas Chicken and Tuna Meaty Selections dry food over all the others that he has sampled here at the Wychwood Cattery Cafe.

Pretty Primula in one of the perennial beds. I love primroses, there’s just something about them, a kind of simple, understated prettiness.

This gorgeous tree always opens the door for spring, right after the crocuses have said goodbye to winter, and just before the tulips finally say hello spring!!! I still haven’t figure out exactly what kind of tree it is, although every year I fully intend to. Some kind of wild cherry/plum type. The fruits are very small, purplish red and very sweet, if I manage to snag a few before the birds get them all, and ripen much earlier than anything else in the garden. They are a favorite among these guys, who stay just long enough to check out the berries and snag a bunch, even before they’re ripe :

The Cedar WaxWing is a beautiful little bird that loves these berries.

PS.  Just wanted to say that my gas guzzling minivan mentioned in my previous post really does not get driven as much as you would think.  We bike or walk from school, I try to bike with the old bike trailer to get groceries most of the time, and I make a tank of gas last at least a month and a half, if not two.   It’s much easier during the summer  of course, to conserve gas, and rely on leg power.   I just don’t see myself biking to Montreal, although if no one is interested in carpooling to the garden show, I may consider taking the Greyhound or Via rail instead, depending on how much the ticket will cost.