April Fool’s

I didn’t think of any good ones to play on Todd or the girls yet. Mother nature is bringing us one day of spring (her idea of a joke?) with today’s high around twelve degrees Celsius. Below freezing again tonight, so everything will be very icy tomorrow. Lovely. But it is really nice outside right now, and Meg and I are going to put on our rubber boots, and drag the dog around the neighborhood.

I’ve been spending way too much time on the computer lately. I had no idea what a time waster it could be. (okay, that’s a lie, I did know) Things like Youtube, webforums, myspacemusic, even just reading other blogs, and not only is your morning gone, you’ve wasted half the afternoon as well. Oh well. It’s not like I had anything pressing to do. I don’t think chores like laundry, dishes or vacuuming can be considered pressing. Not that I think about it, is anything pressing?? I can procrastinate with the best of them, so any excuse will do. But if something was pressing, I’d probably get it done. I think I just like that word for some reason today. I’ll have to see if I can work it into any conversations. Anyway, lately I’ve found some other interesting, local gardening blogs. I’ll try to update my list soon. But it’s such a weird medium, the internet.

Well, I think it’s time to go outside for a walk, and after we pick up Emma from school, time for a swim.