Conversations with Bailey…

The rain finally stopped today, and Bailey and I went for a little hack around the neighborhood. We had fun, we chatted, we jumped a ditch, we checked out what ‘Scott’ has been building (more to come on that later). We walked past the bozo ‘farm’ ‘watch’ ‘dogs’, and gave them the finger. We checked out trampolines, said ‘hey’ to a scary guy who was ”fixing” his mailbox (probably more like burying his wife or something, according to B), and looked at the farm road that we usually gallop down and decided it was too hot today.  All in all, it was a pretty great ride. Because my horse and I were chatting. The whole way. Seriously. How fucking awesome is it when you and your horse can chat. Have an entire conversation during a ride, even if you are talking about whether big blue pools are scarier that the white ones, and logs should not be left on the lawn, but piled up nicely for winter burning.  And little girls playing in their yards, when they see a horse on the road, should be told by their parents not to run, squeeing, at horses!! Rather, approach quietly and ask permission from the rider ( and with tons of carrots, adds Bailey), and usually a positive interaction will occur. Most horse people love to encourage kids to love horses. After all, we need them to keep the madness going!! These are the things that my horse and i chat about. The thing is, I think he listens and understands a lot more than i ever give him credit for. I love hacking  and chatting with my horse. I just hope he loves hacking and chatting with his human too!!

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