Who am I…Who Who

We call him Blackie.

Is this your cat? Or do you know where he lives? I love cats, and this guy is a real sweetie, and he causes very little trouble with my cats so I don’t mind that he hangs out in my yard, and even has lunch here. I think he likes the company, as he is a very friendly, social kinda guy, but I’ve got one tiny, little, itsy bitsy problem with him. Maybe you got the note I tied to his flea collar? He is a boy. He does not appear to be neutered. So he does what boy cats do, and it really stinks. So if he belongs to you, or someone you know, could you please get him fixed, or tell his owner to do so. Male cat spray smells atrocious, especially in the heat of spring and summer, and if he keeps spraying around the neighborhood, someone is not going to be as kind as I am. That is not a threat, just a reality check, because I know my neighbors. Most of them are quite nice, but I know some will not tolerate a cat spraying around their homes. And the bonus if you get him fixed, he won’t knock up any other female cats, thereby saving more unwanted kittens being born. And he might stay closer to home. Oh, yeah, and he wanted me to mention that he prefers Whiskas Chicken and Tuna Meaty Selections dry food over all the others that he has sampled here at the Wychwood Cattery Cafe.

Pretty Primula in one of the perennial beds. I love primroses, there’s just something about them, a kind of simple, understated prettiness.

This gorgeous tree always opens the door for spring, right after the crocuses have said goodbye to winter, and just before the tulips finally say hello spring!!! I still haven’t figure out exactly what kind of tree it is, although every year I fully intend to. Some kind of wild cherry/plum type. The fruits are very small, purplish red and very sweet, if I manage to snag a few before the birds get them all, and ripen much earlier than anything else in the garden. They are a favorite among these guys, who stay just long enough to check out the berries and snag a bunch, even before they’re ripe :

The Cedar WaxWing is a beautiful little bird that loves these berries.

PS.  Just wanted to say that my gas guzzling minivan mentioned in my previous post really does not get driven as much as you would think.  We bike or walk from school, I try to bike with the old bike trailer to get groceries most of the time, and I make a tank of gas last at least a month and a half, if not two.   It’s much easier during the summer  of course, to conserve gas, and rely on leg power.   I just don’t see myself biking to Montreal, although if no one is interested in carpooling to the garden show, I may consider taking the Greyhound or Via rail instead, depending on how much the ticket will cost.

Montreal’s Botanical Garden

Every year I plan to go sometime during the summer, and every year, somehow, things get in the way.

This year will be different.

The Great Gardening Weekend is May 23, 24, and 25.  I am going.  Even if it snows!  (knock on wood it doesn’t snow!!)  I am thinking about going on the 25th, which is Sunday.

I  have a big, bad gas guzzling minivan, which seats six comfortably.  If anyone in Aylmer/Ottawa area is interested in getting a ride to the Gardens that day, please send me an email.  It would be a fun garden outing, and the gardens should be beautiful that time of year!

Circadian Rythms

For the longest time, I thought it was Cicadian rythms, as in the grasshoppers, the crickets. That made sense to me for some reason. I guess something to do with Aesop’s fables, ‘The Ant and the Grasshopper’ stories.

Now I’ve been enlightened. It has to do with the earthly rhythms, the bodily rhythms, that follow a fairly close 24 hour cycle. Apparently, some of us are natural night owls, and some of us are early birds. I am both. I love staying up late, when all else in the house is quiet, and doing the things I like to do that I don’t get a chance to do during the day. I also love the early morning, just before the sun hits, to putter around outside, picking a weed here or there, talking to a sleepy beetle, checking on the peonies and roses, while the coffee is brewing. Unfortunately, I need at least seven hours of sleep a night. So how do I work that? Some nights I stay up, still wake up early, some nights I don’t. However it works, I’m still going with the crickets.

Earth Day… Every Day

I’ve been hearing and reading a lot about Earth Day, in the news, and on other blogs, and I have to admit I find it depressing. Why do we need one special day to celebrate our beautiful planet, and to admit the trouble she may be in, all thanks to the lovely monkey-like creatures who inhabit her sphere? These so-called intelligent, self-absorbed, oh so important ‘whomans’, who think they somehow have the right to be the wicked, evil overlords of everything else on the planet. Who have the ingenuity to invent some big guy in the sky who tells them it’s alright to do what they wish, when they wish, to whomever and whatever they wish as long as you do it within certain rules and regulations. Boy, they’re clever.

Why one day?? Only??? Shouldn’t we be living our lives as if every day is Earth Day? It’s not the big things that we do, it’s the little things.

And where the hell are the corporations on Earth Day? Price of gas is through the roof, President Monkey of our dearest nearest neighbor wants to drill for oil in an Alaskan Wildlife Refuge, our own king is in bed with the big oil here in North America, ready to plunder any part of Canada for any last drop.  For oil.  WTF???  Anyone else see anything wrong with this picture??

Despite my pessimism here, I wish everyone could experience the same feeling I do when I grow a tomato plant from seed. Or when my beautiful brugs finally bloom. I wish I could take Stephen Harper and show him the big wriggly worms in my garden, and have him be as impressed as Meghan was!! Have George Bush see a polar bear in its habitat (face to face? -okay, maybe that’s a little mean – to the polar bear!), and see respect for the wildlife.  I just really don’t understand the underlying motivation that drives people to disregard the planet earth and all the other life forms on it. I get the greed, the political pressure, the drive for more-more-more, but there is just something fundamentally unearthly about that kind of person. And at the core, I just don’t get it! In some ways it is like the person who is mean just because they can be. Nothing you did, and it’s nothing personal, they just get a kick out of being mean. We’ve all met people like that. And I think a lot of our politicians, and the backroom players are fundamentally unearthly, and mean.

All I can say is ” I am sorry, Mother Earth.  For all of us and for what we do, to you and yours.”

And hope, that like a mother, she will forgive us and love us despite our failings and ineptitude.

Don’t you hate forgetting…

I just realized today that out of all the tomatoes I have growing, among them, there is not a single Black Cherry! Or a Purple Price. Or a Rouge d’Irak. Or a Rutgers. What was I thinking??? Obviously I was not! And according to another local blogger, last frost date this year is around May 17th. Oops! I fucked up royally. Among the many things I have to do tomorrow, planting these forgotten seeds, and double checking my lists to make sure I have not forgotten any others will be priorities.

I recently planted some swiss chard, beets, broccoli, sorrel and mustard. Why, you may ask?!? Well, you may ask, and if you find out, please let me in on it, okay? I actually just had the seeds (having bought them in a fit of insanity), so I figured what the heck. And if anyone has any good uses for beets, please let me know. I’ve heard the greens are pretty good raw, in salads, but I have no other use for the beets themselves. With my luck, beets will be my most prolific crop, and I’ll be throwing them at people, begging them to take my beets! Corn must be started indoors soon as well. I wonder what my neighbors will think of me this year?! I’ll be growing it in front of the hedges, right next to the street.

Nothing much too say

So I will leave you with these two pictures. The view from my back door.

First, one of my noisier neighbors.

My Noisy Neighbors

To me, these two towering pines look like the king and queen of the pine chess game.  Especially at night.

The King and Queen of the giant Pine tree chess game

The pictures are deceiving. The small grass looking plants in the second photo are actually the tree tops in my next door neighbor’s yard. These pine trees are amazingly tall, at least one hundred feet, if not more.

Danger, Will Robinson!!

A few weeks ago, Todd and I made the dangerous decision to rejoin Costco, after many years of being non-members. The membership paid for itself just the other day, when I picked up my new glasses! Yay, I can see again. I wear contacts during the day, but in the morning and at night, my eyes are just too tired for them. I must be getting old!

The danger of Costco is obvious though. Especially for someone like me, who loves to grocery shop. Yes, I am weird! Some people love shoe shopping (Sarah comes to mind here), some people love car shopping, I love grocery shopping. Don’t ask me why. When I go to the store for dog food, I usually come out with stuff that I had no intention of buying when I went in. But it was on sale – like cookies. Or I’d forgotten that we needed it – like toilet paper. You know what I mean. So anyway, Costco could be dangerous for someone like me. But my glasses were a good deal, and they were necessary. And I really like them.

What do you think?New glasses

Anyway, still working on planting tomatoes. I didn’t get anything done this week, except to finally set up my shelves and lights, and drag the greenhouse shelves to outside the back door so I can lug the trays of seedlings outside for a while during the sunny days, and back in for the night!

As I write this, a bunch of flats are out enjoying the sun. It feels so good to see some green, and I’ve even got some crocus blooming. Spring, spring, glorious spring!!!

Must be Monday…

Okay, I hate getting up in the morning.  I am not a morning person.  And it is my own fault, because I don’t get enough sleep, I like to stay up late.  I love to read, and sometimes when you’re in the middle of a good book, it’s hard to put it down, even though it’s way past bedtime.

But I get up around 7am and get Emma ready for school and I drop her off, usually she makes it just before the bell.   She has only been late once this year, because of me.   I usually make coffee for Todd, who sleeps in till after 8.

So this morning I dragged my sorry butt outta bed, after hitting the snooze button for the second time, and turn off the alarm clock.  Put my contacts in my poor tired eyes, (broke my glasses, and I am blind as a bat without).  Woke up Emma, helped her get dressed.  Meg bounces out of bed to join her sister for breakfast.  She’s a morning person.  I make Emma’s lunch while they eat.  Brush teeth, brush hair, boots, jacket, mitts, Meg wants to come too, okay, throw your jacket over your pj’s and put on your boots, out the door, let’s go, let’s go, don’t want to be late!!  Grab your backpack, and your lunch.  Get in the car!!  Buckle up, and off we go!   Ahrgh!   Emma forgot her snowpants.   That’s okay, just don’t play in the snow outside.  She promises not too.

Drive up to the school, nobody’s out in the yard.  Damn!  We must have just missed the bell.  I thought we were right on time.  So park in the lot, which I should have noticed was suspiciously empty, but I’m tired.   So hop out and walk her to the front door.   I think you know where I am going here.

It is a damn PD day!!!

I could have slept in!

I hate Mondays!

Thank you Mr. Postman…

My seed order from BakerCreek has arrived!! I feel like shouting “Hurrah!” a la Bridget Jones. But I’m going to wait, like a good gardening girl, for the new moon to arrive before I start planting them all. According to moon planting guides, I should technically wait till the second quarter, but that would put me two weeks behind, so I’m going to pretend I didn’t read them. One calendar has the new moon this Saturday, another says Sunday, and I’ll probably have enough to do that it will take me the whole weekend anyway. So I’ll have a busy planting weekend. Who knows if it works, but I gotta say, the last batch of seeds I planted, one whole tray of Silvery Fir Tree has not been very productive. If I remember, it was the only one planted after the full moon, during the Easter weekend. Everything else was done just before! Then again, if I were to be logical, I would surmise there was actually just something wrong with that particular batch of seed.

The longterm weather forecast is looking good for my tunnels plans. I may have them up and running by May after all, which is what I was really hoping for. I’ll update as it gets closer to actually being built.

Who Killed The Electric Car

This is an amazing movie Todd and I watched last night. All I can say, is wow!!! and “Excellent, Eye Opening, Stunningly Unsurprising, Extremely Maddening” and once again, thank you George Bush, Sr. and Jr., thank you big oil, and big auto, hell, shout out to Ronald Regan, while I’m at it.

Why why why are these people so short sighted, so bloody greedy and so incredibly stupid!!??? Don’t they have children?? Who need to breathe? Aaarrggghhhhhhh!

Okay, rant over, but in all honestly, it boggles the mind.

Absolutely Completely Boggles The Mind!!!

April Fool’s

I didn’t think of any good ones to play on Todd or the girls yet. Mother nature is bringing us one day of spring (her idea of a joke?) with today’s high around twelve degrees Celsius. Below freezing again tonight, so everything will be very icy tomorrow. Lovely. But it is really nice outside right now, and Meg and I are going to put on our rubber boots, and drag the dog around the neighborhood.

I’ve been spending way too much time on the computer lately. I had no idea what a time waster it could be. (okay, that’s a lie, I did know) Things like Youtube, webforums, myspacemusic, even just reading other blogs, and not only is your morning gone, you’ve wasted half the afternoon as well. Oh well. It’s not like I had anything pressing to do. I don’t think chores like laundry, dishes or vacuuming can be considered pressing. Not that I think about it, is anything pressing?? I can procrastinate with the best of them, so any excuse will do. But if something was pressing, I’d probably get it done. I think I just like that word for some reason today. I’ll have to see if I can work it into any conversations. Anyway, lately I’ve found some other interesting, local gardening blogs. I’ll try to update my list soon. But it’s such a weird medium, the internet.

Well, I think it’s time to go outside for a walk, and after we pick up Emma from school, time for a swim.